Friday, June 5, 2009

Duck Watchers,

All the ducklings are now gone and things have quieted down. Thanks for being patience while we worked hard to get the videos posted. We have some great footage and make sure to turn the volume up as the cameras did record excellent audio. The ducklings sure do make a racket. It's no wonder that the Mother wants out of the house as soon as possible.

We have yet to spot the ducklings on any of the ponds. We encountered the same thing last year and must conclude that she chooses to take them to most secluded pond. This pond is not accessible for viewing unless you have waders on and go through the bulrushes. If they are spotted we will post it immediately.

Luke Heil, 7th grader, provided the footage outside of the wood duck house. He was totally camouflaged and hiding about thirty yards away armed with a tripod and video camera. He gave up a whole class field trip to the Twins game to capture this unique experience. Now that's dedication to waterfowl!

Have a great summer and we hope this project has sparked an interest in all to become more involved with nature and conservation.