Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Introducing the STMA Duck Cam Blog!!

Aaron Heil, 1st grade teacher at Big Woods Elementary, has a passion for the outdoors and all of the critters that call it home. A few years ago, Aaron wanted to add trail cameras to find out what kind of animals live in the "Big Woods," a small forest near his school. He thought the photos would go nicely with the excitement the students exhibit when he feeds Snappy, the resident snapping turtle in his classroom.

Worried that the cameras in the woods would be vandalized or stolen, Aaron asked the district technology department about other ideas in accomplishing his dream. Technician, Ryan Panning stepped up to the challenge and designed a wireless IP camera to work with the existing network at Fieldstone Elementary and a nearby wetland. Mr. Heil's 1st graders built a woodduck house and their teacher mounted it on a post within range of the wireless capabilities of the technology. It wasn't long before a momma duck saw the comfortable shelter and moved in to house her brood in the spring of 2008.

Mr Heil's excitement spread from his class to parents, other teachers, and eventually the DNR. So many people logged in to watch the momma duck care for her eggs that the network was soon overloaded, but videos were archived of the major events and are available on the district website.

The success of the program has motivated Mr Heil to look for more funding to upgrade the equipment to feature more houses and a more reliable power system. Previously, Aaron would have to replace and recharge deep-cycle batteries every other day to keep the camera working. Presently, the system features two cameras powered by a very large battery which is charged by solar energy. Stay tuned for more features and additions to the Mr. Heil's waterfowl watch. His ideas and energy may lead to an incredible learning experience for students from STMA and beyond.

Please subscribe to this blog for more updates on the program. And... feel free to leave a comment, we would love to hear from you.

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